TER Mada is an integrated project to build capacity and improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in Madagascar through agro-ecology and environmental education.
Two aspects to our action:
- Since 2013, support for the Paulins orphanage in Antananarivo to improve the canteen, school equipment and hygiene for a hundred children
- The creation of an educational farm, both green school, popular university, agricultural showcase and leisure center, intended to serve both children who can no longer be accommodated by the orphanage, young people and the_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_peasants from local communities.
The objective is to support and integrate these different groups of populations to create a participative dynamic, aiming at a sustainable and responsible development, at the same time educational, ecological and social.

Education, Development & Plus (ED+) aims to promote the education and development of vulnerable populations by fighting under and malnutrition through education in agriculture and the environment.
Fair trade holidays, financial or in-kind donations, agricultural extension, skills sponsorship, ED+ offers you different ways to support its action.

2016 and 2018 winner of theCorporate Foundation PWC
Madagascar, pays cible d'ED+
Madagascar connaît une situation de grande pauvreté structurelle qui s’est aggravée avec l’impact négatif de la crise financière mondiale et l’enlisement de la crise politique que traverse le pays depuis 2009.
Malnutrition et échec scolaire
Dans les pays en développement, plus de 30 pour cent des enfants – soit environ 600 millions – vivent avec moins d’un dollar par jour. Toutes les 3,6 secondes, une personne meurt de faim.
ED+ cannot exist without private donations. With your donation, you support our projects in the field.